put a couple goodies on!!!!!!!!!!


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no, debadge the ENTIRE rear of the car and it'll be sooo hot (seriously do it now and post pictures). leave the lips unpainted and get a cf hood. then get bronze rims. haha. just kidding, do what you want but those are some good suggestions ;)


I haz SR20
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5+ Year Member
I would have rather seen some wheels and a nice drop. But thats just me.


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10+ Year Member
I like it....needs a drop and your set!!


Clit Commander
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5+ Year Member
get it painted


Registered VIP
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10+ Year Member
yea but if he painted the lip white it wouldnt look oversized....on top of that i really wanted a white civic...:(


DON"T paint the lips.

Go black housing headlights, and black DIY ctr grill.

then get some black w/ lip wheels

so sexy

specially on a coupe


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5+ Year Member
Jmoto911 said:
No! get an Evo style like mine... so hawt

JK get what ever you want but i like my evo style ;)
Don't get an Evo style like Jmoto's, get OEM style if u get one.
I really like the upgrades man, they all look really nice!
