Question about FMU


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it will be tuned as much as you can with a fmu by a professional, (not me)


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so know one has ever had a fmu and the car ran fine


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if you start thinking about how much your gonna spend on a turbo kit the money the time everything the last thing you want to skimp out on is managment you wouldnt have a turbo without good managment which is why you should always set money aside for management and tuning if you dont every dime you just invested in a turbo is for not, not only that you just blew up your motor. i recommend investing in uberdata a conversion harness, obd1 ecu, and dsm 450cc injectors is small change compared to what it costs to replace a motor, your car will be nice and reliable it will run just like a stock boosted car , im running turboedit, 450cc injectors and 10 psi on a stock d15b7 and it lives i drive it close to 400 miles a week and rape the hell out of it that shows you that setups useing uberdata/ turboedit work and are reliable much more so than an fmu...


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boostedb16 said:
so know one has ever had a fmu and the car ran fine
no there are people that have had good luck with it. but they are very conservative with there fmu, and theres more hp to be made with say hondata or uberdata


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so take it easy with a fmu, and save for hondata, or dont boost until i get hondata.


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and to is there a chance of blowing my motor with hondata, because every body is worried about the more boost,more power thing, i just want to run 8 psi at the most


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Shiznit said:
ahemmm..... BOOM. youll know when your car is detonating. and if it is i would immediately pull over and turn the car off
idk if its only my brothers car, as for its the only car ive been in while detonating, but when his would detonate the car would start jerking in short bursts and he would let off the gas and turn down the boost a bit. but that was when he was running 14psi with stock fuel except fmu on a t25(14psi is the most it will push and he was trying to blow his motor)


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can any body answer my last two questions, the last reply said someones brother ran 14psi on stock fuel, i will be changing fuel pump, and how much tuning can you do with a fmu


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boostedb16 said:
can any body answer my last two questions, the last reply said someones brother ran 14psi on stock fuel, i will be changing fuel pump, and how much tuning can you do with a fmu
take it easy with the fmu and save for hondata, and yes it is very possible to blow your engine with hondata if not tuned correctly.


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thanks,when you say take it easy, do you mean stay at 7 or 8 psi or dont get on the gas hard


Stickin it to the Man
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dont get on the gas hard and stay around 7-8 psi lol. and an fmu does its own tuning


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uberdata > emanage > fmu
$$$ for uberdata < $$$ for emanage


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UGG what does DETONATING sound like? i got an awfull noise at around 3k-3.5 sounds like major grinding...


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boostedb16 said:
but with e manage do you have to chip ecu
no you do not have to chip... it goes into the ecu wiring harness and works with obd2... but from what ive read the emanage is only good to 13 psi? because it runs off of the stock fuel map... if u want to run higher.. u could chip ur ecu if its obd1 and run crome or urberdata.. or get hondata if the ecu is obd1... but if its obd2 u can get the emanage ultimate which i hear has its own fuel tables and maps to run off of so it can handle higher boost... someone may be able to fill in more as i dont know alot on it...


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thanks, like i said the ultimate sounds like it does just about every thing hondata does but it will work with obd2 and no chipping, the most i want to run is 8 psi, so a emanage should be good


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well nevermind about fmu or e manage, because i just won a hondata s200 w/boost on ebay for 350.00 and found a obd1 chipped for hondata for 150.00 on ebay, so ill let every one know.
