Ramming Speed!

JW Karch

New Member
I drive 00 SI. It have had the same Greddy Evo Exhaust since 01. I got rammed in the ass by a hillbilly in a mini van. He broke it. I want to stay with Greddy when I get that idiots insurance money. The Evo 2 and Evo 3 are no longer made. Then comes The SP Elite but I don't think they make it for my car. Anybody have any info on this system. If its not the right application can you recommend a Greddy that is.

JW Karch

New Member
The guy I talked to at Greddy said they aren't available untill summer. Confused. I'm watching one on EBay. Thanks for the reply.


I had a Civic once.
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I think he's crazy lol. Try speaking with one of their dealers in your area, maybe they can help you out.

