he bought one of the top of the line sticky pods (sticks up to like 120 mph or something crazy like that) for $129, but it can also be used as a steadi-cam, so its kind of a 2for1 thing, and we make alot of movies, so he thought it to be a wise investment...they make basic sticky pods that stick up to like 60 or 70 mph, for a GREAT price, well under $100
and yeah, its the same guy...those pics of him fitting it were taken the same day he received it...he then sent it off to a shop to get it all cleaned up (fiberglassed a few spots, made it thicker in some areas)...then he held it for a few weeks, looking for a place to paint it, and finally sent it off to paint a week or 2 ago...it was funny, because last night when we were taking these pictures, he was saying how he was getting tired of waiting, and doesnt know why his kit isnt finished....oh, and he also has a CF hood on its way, and a CF hatch 8)