i've used wolf ammo 1 time in my .308. That red s**t they cover the primer with makes a f**king mess
wolf is NOT precision ammo and should not be treated as such... it is grunt Russian steel.. it will break extractors on ARs.. and the OLDER lacquer coated s**t WILL gun up the chamber.. with a gun that possesses an AK action this is not relevant.. for the most part I only shoot newer wolf with the newer non-lacquer coating and that stuff is great.. ZERO issues.. would never put it in my AR series gun.. it is not for that.. I was shooting Hornady TAP in 308 out of my AR this weekend.. it was "hostage" type steel black silhouette with small red "head" sized target that swung back and forth.. with that ammo and my AR, I was bouncing the thing back and forth with minimal ammo.. GOOD ammo for a precision gun.. for an AK.. cheap steel grunt ammo.. and is part of the appeal of the weapons system..