rsx with type r motor

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dare2drvfast said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Man...this is so f**king hilarious...Highschool kid thats maybe 5'4" acting like he's hot s**t. My woman could kick your ass and you know it. Every time i see him or his brother they won't do s**t. Like if i'm in walmart...they just hella mug...and then walk away. If i drive by they just flip me WOW...i just got flipped off...thats a big deal. Its just so funny cause he's said before...when and where. SO i was like my house...10:30..tonight...he said ok....he never showed...never heard from him again....untill f**king now...and its soooo funny. But fine you little s**t. 11:00 tomorrow night. New Safeway. Come find me...i'll be around....unless your tooo scared too. And trust me...i'll let you throw the first punch...right in front of the video camera.

you don't a car either matt so stop talking. You can't even buy a car. You prolly still don't have a job. does your mom give you gas money for your little go-ped.
ur girlfriend could kick ur ass dumb f**k. she fights better then u. if someone did something to u, she was the one that did something back not u pussy. 5'4? gimme a break im taller then u are. the reason i didnt show is u said theres no mercy on ur property and u said u had pepper spray and a baseball bat. wow talk about a pussy. u think ima meet u somewhere if ur a lil b***h and bring a camera. cuz i kno u will run to ur daddy and tell him to get ur lawyer to come sue me. ur such a little b***h. why cant u just bring urself and nobody or n e thing else. o wait thats right ur a f**kin pussy. little s**t? hmm wouldnt it b big s**t since im bigger then u are? i think its funny how a 21 year old wants to fight a 16 year old. w/e. ill fight u whenever u grow enough balls to fight with ur fist with no camera. just duke it out instead of u get a ass beating and run to ur daddy about how someone jumped u and u wanna sue me. i dont have a go-ped dumbshit. and i dont need a job when i get 900 bucks a month. thats enough money for me. and im lookin for the car i want right now. just cant find it yet. ill get it when i find it.


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900 bucks from mommy and daddy prolly. You said anytime anywhere. I'm not bringing a camera....they are there at i'll see you or i'll just be able to laugh some more. I never said i wanted to fight you. You always push it so i give you the oportunity, and to throw the first punch. You havn't taken it. Pepper spray and a baseball bat shouldn't even be a worrie to you now, and i never threatened to use it against you. I'm done. My last post. I'll see you or you'll be square...and a e-thugger...a second time...cause YOU made the call out.


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u wanna fight then lets fight out by the dmv where theres nobody around and no cameras. so that way if u get ur ass beat u cant go cry to mommy and daddy like a lil b***h


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u think im retarded? yea let me fight someone in front of the courthouse. ur a lil pussy dude. u just want somone to be around to stop me from kickin ur ass. lets go out in the cuts. just u and me and see who gets there ass kicked. that warehouse by dmv everyone used to go to. 10:00pm tmw. i bet u wont sho since theres no cameras. if u do there will b ur famous pepper spray and baseball bat. or a bunch of ur friends. theres no way u will fight one on one in the middle of knowhere cuz ur to big of a pussy

$lick Rick

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keep it civil and take it to pm.........
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