s**t that makes me want to carry bricks.

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ASE Certified Chef
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why does s**t like this get looked down upon by all the not 09ers? Its a perfectly ok thread and everyone knows that they wish they had bricks all the time for most of the situations that you get put in for driving a civic.
Thank you.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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why does s**t like this get looked down upon by all the not 09ers? Its a perfectly ok thread and everyone knows that they wish they had bricks all the time for most of the situations that you get put in for driving a civic.
Why does their always have to be an 09er that thinks he can save a fail thread? All your doing is causing it to fail more.


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Ok I shat and it was anything but a brick so i can't really dedicate it to this thread....... Sorry to disappoint guys.....


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alllllllllllll aboard


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BING! thread is done
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