Pretty sure you've made your point. Let it go. I don't care what you think of my car, I just prefer it be in plain english instead of a silly rating system. But hey, whatever floats yours.
For the record, I honnestly can take criticism. Come in my thread, tell me to paint my s**t, tell me to drop my car, tell me my yellow fogs are the color of goat piss, tell me I'm a jdm-rice-whore. I don't care. This "arguement" was not about my car being critiqued. It was about a rating system which I dislike. Not the rating I got. If you gave me 10's across the board, I'd still think it was stupid. If you gave me straight 1's .... still stupid. That's my opinion, just like you have your opinion of my vehicle. If I'm not allowed to speak my opinion on your rating system, then you can honneslty forget ever giving an opinion on anything I say or do.
Fair is fair.