i cant stand hearing rape stories or about rape victims, it just makes me get more
"overprotective" about my girlfriend and little sister. the world is a terrible f**king place
no matter where you're at...just last month i heard about this 30yr old a*****e luring young girls
to his car in my pharmacy's parking lot, but only one of them fell for his b.s. idk exactly how
the story went, but he was eventually able to get his way with the 10 yr old probably
convincing her of who knows what to force her into his car and rape her...sick s**t right?
ppl like this seriously need to be found and killed on sight. f**k their rights, they gave them up
the moment they thought about hurting/raping another individual.
and i feel for the victims of the robbery, just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
prayers go out them...
f**k rapists. just die already