Short Shifter Questions


iVTEC, do you?
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I had bought my APC short shifter before I read this thread...

For those of you who had problems (or know someone who did) with cheap short shifters (the aluminum), can you tell me under what circumstances they broke? Where they shifting hard? Where on the shifter did it break?

Someone mentioned wearing out your synchros... has this actually be witnessed? I don't understand why this would happen any faster than a stock shifter being shifted quickly. Please help me understand if you do.


iVTEC, do you?
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Originally posted by 99ExCoupe
Why on earth would someone want a short shifter on a civic? Its not like out shifter is set up like a supra, or a celica. I like the stock with with a type R shifter knob. It actually reaches opposed to reaching to shift? I have 2 friends who have broken APC shifters in half going into 3rd.
I think this is a thread about SHORT THROW shifters, not lowering your shift knob position.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by chimchim
I had bought my APC short shifter before I read this thread...

For those of you who had problems (or know someone who did) with cheap short shifters (the aluminum), can you tell me under what circumstances they broke? Where they shifting hard? Where on the shifter did it break?

Someone mentioned wearing out your synchros... has this actually be witnessed? I don't understand why this would happen any faster than a stock shifter being shifted quickly. Please help me understand if you do.
APC shortshifter suck...they are aluminum and will break....sometimes it may take 2 months or you could be lucky and not have it break for 2 years..there have been a lot cases of aluminum shifters breaking....And just under normal driviing, they shift into a gear and the shifter just snaps in half...shitty...

As for do Short shifters war wear out syncros?....I am living proof that they do....My car is in the shop at Honda becasue my transmission is screwed...The syncros in 2nd gear are shot...So yes, short shifter will kill the life of you syncros, but you must remember that everyones car is only took me 6 months to kill my syncros but other people have had short throw shifters installed for years and havent had a its up to you...I had the Skunk2 short shifter, I loved it....But unfortunately its not worth fixing my tranny every year or so, so I wont install it again untill I get a better tranny like an ITR tranny...Sad because the Skunk2 Double Bend Short Shifter was awesome.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by chimchim
Someone mentioned wearing out your synchros... has this actually be witnessed? I don't understand why this would happen any faster than a stock shifter being shifted quickly. Please help me understand if you do.
sorry, forgot to answer this in my previous post....Short throw shifters wear out syncros faster than stock becasue you shifter faster with a SS....Syncros are designed to help mess the gear and the shifter together when you are shifting into gears....With a short shifter and someone shifting fast, you beat the syncros to the gear you are trying to get into and therefore you are forcing the shifter into gear and damaging the syncros and possibly the teeth on the gears if you grind....Hope this helps


iVTEC, do you?
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So, would I be kiling my synchros the same way if I just shift my stock shifter really really fast?

BTW, thanks for the clear answers.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by chimchim
So, would I be kiling my synchros the same way if I just shift my stock shifter really really fast?

BTW, thanks for the clear answers.
Well, I couldnt really tell you yes or no...I mean ya I am sure it possible...but I would doubt it.....But the thing not only do you have to shift fast but you have to shift fast all the time to really hurt your syncros from experience...I drive my car very hard and shift very fast all the time, and with a short shifter and the fact that all my family learned to drive a stick on my car, that all lead to the destruction of my syncros....I dont want to tell you to buy a short shifter or to not buy a short shifter because its your car... I absolutely loved my Skunk2 SS and I want to reinstall another one down the road, but I dont have the money to take the risk of ruining my syncros again....So I will have to see how my tranny plays out...I will tell you that I think Short Shifters are great but you do have to realize that there is risk that comes along with installing a short shifter which can also be said about alot of modifications to your car...So ultimately, it your choice..I am just trying to give you enough knowlege to make a good choice for you...Finally, if you choose to go the short shifter route, get rid of that shitty APC short shifter and go buy a real steal shifter...My recommendation is the Skunk2 double bend short shifter because its the same height as a stock shiter, actually its 1/4 of an inch taller than a stock shifter, and because of the double bend it puts the shifter closer to the driver, and especially for people over 6 feet tall, it make driving very comfortable....Just my 2 cents..hope all this helped....sorry its sooo long, I always have a lot to say about this topic..let me know if you have anymore questions..


Volvo > Civic
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You know what else kills synchros....drag racing! Wish I never street raced....I regret it. Now I am autocrossing grinding every damn 2nd shift If I don't hesitate on the clutch. I need a new tranny....3rd is bein funky now.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by 99ExCoupe
You know what else kills synchros....drag racing! Wish I never street raced....I regret it. Now I am autocrossing grinding every damn 2nd shift If I don't hesitate on the clutch. I need a new tranny....3rd is bein funky now.
yes down shifting into second is a killer on the synros as well....I screwed mine up downshifting when I was taking some high speed off and on cars in the shop as we speak geting the tranny worked on


Volvo > Civic
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yeah...well my friend has rebuilt many D series we are doing mine.


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Then what would happen if you stick a short Del Sol shifter into your normal Civic? The Del Sol shifter is a lot shorter but is Honda stock. Would it do the same thing?



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Originally posted by chimchim
Kaedace... is APC the plague? Did I shoot myself? What's up with APC? (I know it's cheap crap, but does it work?)

I figured the short shift didn't make much difference (could be wrong). But I got it instead of the other cheapies because it's made of steel.
wel you will know ab. apc when you're driving down the road, throw your car into second and then your shifter snaps in half.... sell that crap and get a b&m, dc, or SKUNK2 (skunk2 being the better). Neuspeed isnt bad also.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by CTYankeeboy
Then what would happen if you stick a short Del Sol shifter into your normal Civic? The Del Sol shifter is a lot shorter but is Honda stock. Would it do the same thing?

This technically should be better, but its not just having a short shifter kills the tranny, its about driving it hard and downshifting and beating the syncros into the gear you are trying to get too....


iVTEC, do you?
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Great replies guys.

So... I guess I cars that have relatively short throw shifts as stock, then the tranny has higher quality synchros... is that it?

I guess to really do short shift upgrade right, you gotta upgrade the tranny too, eh? (crap... there goes a "cheap fun" way to make a car "more fun")


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Not really. I think the key is that if you have a short shifter, you have to be a little more careful with your shifting otherwise you will take out the trans. Sure, it is faster but at what expense?



Volvo > Civic
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Why did you buy a civic if you wanted a short throw? Damn...go buy a celica or something.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by chimchim
So... I guess I cars that have relatively short throw shifts as stock, then the tranny has higher quality synchros... is that it?
This is true...If you have ever driven a GSR or an ITR you will notcie the short throws....And yes they have better trannies...You can run short throw shifters on civic trannies you just gotta be careful, and when you aint racing, dont shift like your racing....


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My buddy had a short throw apc off ebay. Lol. He broke it street racing. He hit third in his teg, and smashed his fist into the stereo reciever. Quit funny let me tell ya. We had to put the stock on back in on the side of the road. Trust me not fun. As for people with fitment problems. All you have to do is shave off the heat shield on your cat. Or like me, I dont have a cat so I dont have to worry about it =). Apc isnt a bad shifter, but they can break when shifting extremely hard into third gear. Snaps right off ontop of the ball. Also I agree with coments on snycros. Its not really the short shifter that kills em. Its the way you shift. Most cases they will last quite a while, but one good gear miss with alot of preasure on the shifter can kill them especially in second.


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99 ex coupe you must not be able to drive if you busted up your tranny but any way yeah i hope that apc shifter works for you i got dc anf its not bad but i want skunk2 or buddy club thear relly nice
