Should I stick with my 7th generation or should i upgrade?


New Member
Hey guys Jx here,
I'm new to this site and this is my first post on here so please don't be harsh if i posted this in the wrong tab. Anyways, I have a 2004 Honda civic that I got off from a car dealer about a year ago and I'm still paying off. But I'm tired of the whole coupe thing and I wanted to get a sedan (4 door) instead. My car is a automatic and i have to automatically roll up the windows. I've recently decided to start saving up for possibly a newer generation Honda Civic or Lexus is 250. Nothing is wrong with my car except the speedometer is a little whack. So I'm stuck do I buy my civic now? Next year? what year should I get?

I drive my siblings to school so reliability is what I'm looking for. Looks and speed aren't important but I do like to take off faster when I'm at the red light and it turns green hehe Suggestions? Much help needed =)


I had a Civic once.
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It depends on how much you're willing to spend really. You can sell your car and put that money towards an 8th gen Sedan or something. If you're just looking for a sedan and looks aren't all that important, you can even get a 6th gen sedan, though finding those in great condition with low miles may prove tough.
