side molding shave thing... i need help 5th gen people!


I'm NOT eran!
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jcook8333 said:
Thats understandable! Hell I dont even really like the car ....but I did this with the intent to sell it!! I buy cheap cars , paint them and do little extras just to sell them ! I just joined this site to help a little and learn a little!!
We have a dealership locally that does that. There's some really horrible cars driving around here thanks to them.


J Cook
5+ Year Member
LOL we have them here too but they are for the homeboys!! The paint jobs that they come up with along with the no Quality work thats done leads to hours of laughter!! Hopefully I will have a new project soon!! I would like to get a hatch! I had 3 crx's but they are way to small for me! I looked like donky kong in mario kart!!


I'm NOT eran!
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Oh, here is the link to the place near me.

Click the link for "Past Cars & Projects" and scroll down to see the pink Eclipse I see every once in awhile. Blech.

:rolf: I just noticed one of their past projects is called "3/4 Wild".


J Cook
5+ Year Member
We dont have nothing like that around here! I think thats why they are so popular around here! I had a 03 civic si that was all done up (motor and rims)....but besides my brothers AWD talon , boosted celica, and a couple of 240's thats it!!!!! The rest are all fart cans, huge cheese grader wings, apc ram air intake from auto zone, and clears!! Then if they are wanting to go all out they order a huge vinyle graphic from awesome decal and look out!!!!! Thats why if you have a car with a body kit,rims, and maybe a fart can exhaust!! You can sell it for a fortune because every since that damn movie they cant get enough of um???????


rockin those D's
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5+ Year Member
personally i like it, its unique and thats all that matters, im a professional welder, and i have shaved many side modlings on civics, mostly 4th gens, but its easy take the molding off get a 1 1/2 in peice of 16 gauge mild steel and weld it in place grind it smooth and it will look like his.
