the link to buy cc decals is broken, im trying to rock some cc decals, lol! help
go here said:the link to buy cc decals is broken, im trying to rock some cc decals, lol! help$lick Rick said:Yahoo! Slurp Spider
i've never seen anything like this before
While it's within the 500x100, it's exceding the max limit of 35k.ikillradio said:My avatar and sig keeps disappearing and i've been updating it each day.
It means you should PM an s mod or admin for best results.ventturei27 said:cant login to my cc acount????!
my screename is ventturei26, it says that i cant post becaseu my primary usergroup is the same as my secondary group and i should remove or change one of them.
i have no idea what that means, what should i do to get my olld account back?
Yeah... but that's why they made new names too. Nothing malicious, but they got banned anyway. :-/ventturei27 said:i had to amek a new one, i cant get anywhere on my old one, i tried to pm somebody wiht my account and it would even let me, how am i suppose to let somebody know, if they havnt replied to my email is 3 days and i cant navigate anywhere
Be wary of getting the same problem we had... Odd problem.Kaotic_Zeus said:Yeah this site is lagging a lot(feeling slow lately). and when going through the forums it says it's loading the page forever even though it's already complete. And yes every other site is normal on my computer.
I never said it was the other guy's fault for making a new name and getting banned. He seemed pretty innocent to me.ventturei27 said:if they would reply to my email i wouldnt have to amek a new account, is it my fault if i want to be a part of this place
i think if they ban me for this then this place is a bunch of bs, if i cant acces my name to post then i would have to create a new name anyways if i was to join back up
i pmd oc_civic with my problem so hopefully this will al get worked out soon
I got your email and just fixed your account. You should be good to go now.ventturei27 said:cant login to my cc acount????!
my screename is ventturei26, it says that i cant post becaseu my primary usergroup is the same as my secondary group and i should remove or change one of them.
i have no idea what that means, what should i do to get my olld account back?