Slaughterhouse Video *sick*

Rick James

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donde esta el warning n00b. just playing


death's just death
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Ironic that I am watching it, linked from JDMcivic as I saw you post this.

I've been a vegetarian or 7 years, and am pursuing veganism, and that's the kind of thing that sickens me. The reason I became a vegetarian in the first place, at such a young age, is because I had to witness that kind of thing. I'm from Nebraska, and despite being in Omaha (1.2 million people) my mom's side of the family is ALL from a little town in the middle of Nebraska. If any of you guys remember that Ecoli scare in like 1998 or whatever, the main meat plant was in this little town in Nebraska, Columbus. Well, being family, I see them probably liek 30 days out of the year, and those days are always in that town, at their little houses, on their farms and etc. I've seen cows get their throats slit, i've seen packs of chickens beat, i see them caged all the time. It sickens me to death. I can't eat meat because it just disgusts me to think of animal dying.

People say its a dog eat dog world and its just part of nature, and I'm not telling anyone to stop. I'm not a PETA member, not an avid vegetarian that attacks meat eaters, I just do my own thing. I understand that we pretty much do have to survive by using our world's resources, which are animals, but I can't do it. So yeah, I hope none of you guys who wach this take it lightly, if you think seeing it on the internet is bad, trying having a 250 pound redneck uncle in overalls yell at you when you're 10 to kill a turkey that's NAILED to a piece of wood so you can eat it.

EM1_ProJect's boosted
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yeah man it's pretty sick but i'll never stop eating meat. i dont even eat much vegatables so meat is like 95% of my diet. it's cruel what they do to those animals...but like you said...we have to use the resources we are given to survive, and thats how i see it. when it comes down to eating the meat the thought of how it got there never comes into my head like it does some peoples, so im ok to eat it. if i could change one thing about slaughter houses, would be the way that they kill the animals. most of the ways they do it, as you can see from the videos, are cruel, and inhumane. it disgusts me to watch a live cow have its throat slit and dangle from a chain struggling for it's life..... it wouldnt be so bad if we could kill the animals in a non torturous way, to get food from them, ya know.


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now this s**t is really heart breaking, i cant stand this s**t, theres better ways to kill our food than this, mutalation and cruelty isnt f**king necessary, damn these farmers a f**king sick, now im pissed, time to go vent this s**t off on some unlucky farmer, lol.


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lol, sad but who cares. now lets watch a video on all the kids that die every minute! I care much more about people than animals.


Keyboard Cowboy
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mugen_tuned said:
now this s**t is really heart breaking, i cant stand this s**t, theres better ways to kill our food than this, mutalation and cruelty isnt f**king necessary, damn these farmers a f**king sick, now im pissed, time to go vent this s**t off on some unlucky farmer, lol.

I agree, if we treated our animals or kids like this we would be in jail but they can be as cruel as they want to them and nothing is done! Unreal


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yeah, but people can at least defend them selves. A cow has never been a f**king a*****e to me, so I like my pets far better than most people I meet. That goes for most animals as well.


Jersey's Finests Cuban
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that i sick and wrong but hey some one has to do it! Unless we as americans just become vegie lovers.


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that s**t is f**kin gross man. the worst part was watchin that cow hanging with its throat cut just bleeding all over the place. thats as far as i got. that shits so messed up its not funny. why not just like shoot it in the head so its quick and easy. i kno i would rather die getting shot in the head and going quick and easy then gettin my throat cut and suffer. thats some cruel s**t.


JDM yo!
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dude thats not right at all.. man... DAMN ALL THOSE WORKERS TO HELL!!!!


Team Sin Motorsports
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i feel that we should kill them another way but i would NEVER stop eating meat.


2005 crx
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i love meat meat is so god chicken and beef its all good so how the f**k am i going to get meat if theses people dont kill them cause im sure as hell not going to kill no animal for my food and i know none of u want to ether so someone has to do it and also this could be a way for serial killers to just let lose and do what they want its better then them going out killing people they should hire a bunch of murders to do this job so they are satisfied with that


BigRed is Dead
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yeah true, im very against animal cruelty, and the way these poeple treat animals is horrible, they should slaughter the people that do this to animals and see how they like it.....but i dont think im going to stop eating meat, cuz i dont think it would be possible for us to live long lives without the protein and vitamines that meat provides us.....but dont get me wrong...they should do this in a more humain matter.....
although their iz something called the food chain and last time i checked we were on top....


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vid was kinda sick, but its not going to stop me from grubing on meat.


BigRed is Dead
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doug piston said:
i dont think i want to watch this
go ahead....ur just one post away from porn heaven, but before that you have to go through SLAUTHERHOUSE HELL
