SOLVED - 2015 EX - trunk won't open with remote or button on trunk


New Member
When pushing the release button on the trunk, the Trunk won't open. When holding the trunk release button on the remote I can hear two clicks from the fuse box area, but the trunk won't open. It opens normally with the mechanical handle inside the car of course and all other Smart Entry functions work normally.

Any idea what could it be?

I also checked the fuse list in the manual but nothing there that can hint on a fuse or relay, it is mostly acronyms and 3-4 letter codes for different systems.

I checked both remotes - same behavior with both.



I had a Civic once.
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2015 EX? Should still be under warranty, I'd think.


New Member
Yes, of course it is under full warranty, I am just trying to understand what can cause it. It's my daughter's car who is off to college Thursday morning and we are on a time crunch to fix it before she leaves.


New Member
Problem solved.

Car came back few days ago from the body shop for hail damage repair, so I assumed that whatever went wrong, went wrong when they worked on it.
I removed the trunk cover and discovered a loose connector. By loose I mean not connected anywhere. Looked around and found an empty socket in the lock mechanism. The loose connector was too short for that socket so I realized they connected the long connector (that is supposed to go to the locking mechanism) to the push-button and they just left the shorter cable loose, apparently didn't know what to do with it. Go figure people...
Anyways - moved the longer cable to the lock, the short loose one went to the push-button and everything is working fine. Happy college girl, happy dad.

Thank you all!


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:thumbs up:thumbs up

It's always nice when it is something simple, quick, and cheap/free.
