Speedometer off


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96 sedan DX
Speedometer is off 5 mph at 70 mph, about 3 at lower speeds. Did all the DX models come with 13" tires? My sticker on the inside of the drivers door lists 13" and 14". I'm wondering if someone swapped them out in the past. I bought the car in California and drove it home to Louisiana.


Authoritah, respected.
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What tire size is on the car right now? Compare that with the recommended OEM size (https://tiresize.com/comparison/) and if your current wheel diameter is smaller than OEM then it takes more revolutions to cover the same distance as the OEM size. Its vice versa if the wheels are larger.


I had a Civic once.
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It's well known that Civic speedometers are inaccurate. Yours sounds typical.
Yep. My 97 Sedan was off by 3mph when I had oem wheels with winter tires on. About 5 mph off with my larger summer wheels.
