Originally posted by Tay2610
Does anyone have actual proof of gains by using this product? I know that it might seem like a stupid product but who knows ya know until i actually have proof of a bogus product i dont rule it out. I guess the tornado thing-a-majig is supposed to send a more dense charge of air...? or increased velocity...? I mean if you think about it who would have ever thought that putting larger diameter piping around a cai would increase the performance (aem v2). It dosnt sound like it would be much of a real performance deal considering that it does obstruct some of the airflow but i dont put products down unless theres proof to lay them to rest.
Bro a little common sense goes a long way. How is putting something in the path of the airflow going to give you a 10HP gain? or even better gas mileage?
An intake manifold and putting a piece of tin in the air intake pipe are two different things.Originally posted by wake_rider
Changing the path of airflow is one of the best ways to add hp without putting extra strain on the engine.... An intake manifold does exactly that. Channels the air better to each cylinder. Have a little common sense.....