The funny thing about mexis and chinamen being racist
Hey, I'm going to let you black dudes in on a secret. Chinese males are having a cultural crisis out in California. I read it in the LA Times when I was out there a few years ago. Here is the problem: Their women don't want s**t to do with them. Hahaha. Seriously, it appears that established Asian women absolutely consider it uncouth to date Asian (mainly Chinese) men. They prefer white guys. Wait a minute, did I say "established?" Well, them, too, but there was a part of the article where one girl who was still in high school mentioned that NONE, I mean NONE, of her Chinese-American girlfriends were, or would ever consider, dating a
Chinese guy. The article, also, mentioned how this was fast becoming a cultural norm within that community. A lot of males of other races will not admit it, but we absolutely do not respect the masculinity of Asian males. s**t, even their own women don't, there nature seems to be too effeminate. We would discriminate the hell out of them if they weren't so usefull as obedient worker bees. As for Mexicans talking racist, I don't know how you black dudes can even be so stupid as to responed to them. Who the hell cares what a Mexican thinks. Why be the first? Opps, "Mexican think?" That must be an oxymoron. That is all I have to say on this. Someone needed to put those two in check, and I don't think Mr. spell checker did a good enough job; good, but not good enough.