The Dream Thread


out on bail
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Then it's a plan! :P hit me up when your situation changes! Lol

So to get this thread back on track.. I did have a pretty crazy dream the other night. So I'm in my current car, in the neighborhood I went to elementary school in, and I turned down what I thought was a road and it turned into a hill that dropped into a river. The hill was so steep that I just spun when I tried to reverse but my emergency brake held the car still, so I jumped out of the car, car falls to the water and I start walking. I had a girlfriend back in like fifth grade that lived in this neighborhood and I went to her house and killed her dad.

Craziest s**t ever. I haven't even spoken to this girl in over ten years and I just randomly show up and kill her dad. The only thing I can think of is that her dad was an a*****e back in the day, and he was. But as to why this had to come up in a dream is beyond me.

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Well to take this back off topic...

Back in high school somebody burned my house down-- with my family in it. Needless to say i survived.

My family moved into a nee house and a year or so later we moved again. I got really ripped one night about 6 months after we moved and drove home.

Well i dtove to our old house and my key didnt work so i rang the doorbell and some dude answered the doir at like 2 am lol.

s**t was funny. Idk y but that story made me think about that haha


out on bail
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Lol I could see that. That's hilarious! Dude must have been like "who the hell is this guy on my porch in the middle of the night?"

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