The Person Below Me


D-Series Soldier
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False. Im unemployed...:mrgreen:

TPBM is obsessed with Gran Turismo...


Stock As All Hell
Registered VIP
False, I hate Gran Turismo as well as PS3

I'm loving this thread.

TPBM likes chocolate ice cream more than vanilla ice cream.


Registered VIP
False. Chocolate is gross, vanilla is better. Grape ice cream=partay in my mouth.

TPBM wants to donate type r lips for my sedan.


Sporting Lunatic Fringe
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5+ Year Member
False. I have to get them for my hatch first before I go giving away presents.

TPBM has never gotten into a serious car accident.


New Member
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False. A b**** in a Jeep Grand Pieceofs*** rear ended me as I sat stopped at a light. She was doing 45mph and didn't even attempt to brake because she never even looked up before slamming into me, and I saw it coming at the last second (which is terrible for your body/injuries). She totalled the car I was in ('98 saturn SL1), and sent me into the car in front of me hard enough to push that car into the car in front of it. I hope her insurance rates suck now.

TPBM has never heard what their own car(being driven) sounds like from outside of the vehicle.


Registered VIP
False. My dad drove it from the road onto the driveway yesterday. I can't wait to get an apexi exhaust.

TPBM has a very unreliable alarm clock like I do. It shuts it's self off during the night.


Hell yea I suck toes!
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False, I prefer no flavor in my cocaine.

TPBM has a child he/she doesnt know about :shock:


Registered VIP
I was refering to me. I couldnt be a pornstar because im only 17.

False, as far as I know we dont have iHop in Canada

TPBM had grilled cheese today


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
True I drive a 99 ej8

TPBM is a hot chick with a civic.

Sent from my HUAWEI-M835 using Tapatalk


D-Series Soldier
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True. I don' pay anything, yet...xD

TPBM has an ipod...
