This is getting me really mad...........


JDM yo!
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Ok so everytime i come outa my car i get shocked......... :shock: and damn how it hurts, i mean this happens every time...... :cry: how can i get rid of this crap :?: y does it happen...

Any help will be nice.

Thanks, GOOSE


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i think its coming from all the rubbing on the floormats when your shifting and pressing the clutch and gas pedals and its creating static electricity. it use to happen to me many times. sometimes i get afraid of touching the door to close it. i just got some of the clear floor mats, now i dont get shock anymore and my floormats are staying clean :D


I HaVe a CaR!
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This happens to me all the time too. And i drive an automatic (moms car). I think it has something to do with the winter air, becuz it never happened in the summer. I just touch the door when i get out, and get the zap over with. lol


JDM yo!
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yeah i get scared when im closing the door cause i dont want to get shocked.. but maybe i need to clean something i dont know... any more ideas?


Set This World On Blaze!!
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s**t that happend to me last time my girl came in my car when i was sitting and she gave me a kiss and i was shocked i was "wtf!....mmmm....that felt great....give me another one."


I HaVe a CaR!
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no, cleaning anything wont help. I just asked my dad (he is pretty smart) and he said that it happens in the winter because the air is dry. And not in the summer because the air is moist, and moisture grounds u. Or sumthin like that. I dunno if its tru, but like i said, he is pretty smart


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yea man, happens to me too. id say it was a ca thing, but dan1220 is getting it too, so... its a b***h, i hate getting shoced by my car.. haha, sometimes i even get shocked when taking my key out of the ignition ..


What's Going On?
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It's also happend to me but what I have realized is when I haven't washed my car for a week or so thats when I do get shocked when I get out of the car, after it gets washed then it doesn't happen anymore


S. Dot
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yeah i hate that too, but if you buy one those things that hang from the bottom of your car, its rubber or plastic, and it touches the ground its suspose to eliminate shocks when you get out of your car, it looks pretty gay tho


Expect the Unexpected
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just touch a metal part of ur car when u are climbing out and u won't get shocked


JDM yo!
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^^^hahaha funny.......... that metal part will shock u... or will it, either way its bad.


I HaVe a CaR!
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yea, it wil shock u. lol kinda common sence. Just take the shock and get over it lol


iVTEC, do you?
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In the dry air, you have a tendency to accumulate charge. Then when you touch anything that is of different charge than you (practically anything else that conducts) you discharge... VERY QUICKLY. That's the snap.

Only way to prevent it is to touch a resistor that's connected to ground first, or never build up the charge in the first place. To do the latter, you'll have to wear a grounding strap from anywhere on your skin to the chassis of the car. Totally impractical.

The strappy thingy hanging from the car only grounds the car to the earth. But that's a different problem. This works if you don't get shocked by your car, but you do get shocked by the doorknob to your house after you just went driving.


...""peep show""...
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Hey Meo, you have to be carefull when your putting gas. Cuz you can ignite the nozle as you start to put gas. As you touch the trigger you discharge the spark and cause the gas to burst into flame. If this ever happens to anynone DONT take the nozle out of the gas tank. It should just burn it self out. If you pull it out, then you create a flame thrower, wich could catch the whole gas station to go up in flames.
How do I know this. I saw a documentay on it on ABC last year about it.


JDM yo!
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^^^ i know but it never shocks me when i go put gas... weird HUH.. =)


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i saw it too, all you gotta do to make sure it doesnt happen is touch your car so u can release any charge prior to touching the gas nozzle


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yea, same thing happens to me all the time. it sucks. definately has something to do with the humidity of the air. since its been humid and snowy/rainy here lately, its not been so bad, but a few weeks ago it was horrible.


I'm NOT eran!
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duFf_M@N said:
Hey Meo, you have to be carefull when your putting gas. Cuz you can ignite the nozle as you start to put gas. As you touch the trigger you discharge the spark and cause the gas to burst into flame. If this ever happens to anynone DONT take the nozle out of the gas tank. It should just burn it self out. If you pull it out, then you create a flame thrower, wich could catch the whole gas station to go up in flames.
How do I know this. I saw a documentay on it on ABC last year about it.
From what I've learnt, it sounds like young women are the usual people to set those fires. Young women are more likely to get back in the car to wait for the gas to fill the tank and then just hop out of the car to take the nozzle out. When they sit down, they collect a static charge from the seat, and usually don't touch the car on the way to the nozzle, so it discharges on the gas nozzle. Men are less likely to get back into the car while gassing up, and older people often use the side of the car to help themselves get out of the car.

This was also on Myth Busters on the Discovery Channel.


MiLaNo Si
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man its a good thing ur discharging electricity when gettin shocked before pumping ur gas...if you dont get shocked when leaving ur car and u pump gas and happen to shock the gas nozzel while pumping your gas than u gunna create a fireball...and if this does happen dont be dumb and pull the nozzle out cuz u mite blow the gas station shock is a good thing hahaha
