Tips On 98 Lx


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a mini me turbooooo <3
i was thinking of doing that with my 4dr since i cant find a cheap LS and i dont want to rip it out of the teg but then again it would be a bit to manage, like they said before it depends on your budget if you are willing to spend more i would look for a gs-r but that just my preference and if you can find a good motor in the junkyard go for it.


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go with the Y8 for the simple fact it's an OBD2 motor, it's not that different but I know the distributor wiring is a little different (2 plugs vs 1)


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Really id go with the y8 to i was just telling you the difference in between them, but its not going to be any hp difference you can feel or anything.


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i think you should get one of those turbo whistle tips you put in your exhaust. it will make your car awsome


New Member
a mini me turbooooo <3
i was thinking of doing that with my 4dr since i cant find a cheap LS and i dont want to rip it out of the teg but then again it would be a bit to manage, like they said before it depends on your budget if you are willing to spend more i would look for a gs-r but that just my preference and if you can find a good motor in the junkyard go for it.
Didnt think of the gs-r and i did go to the junkyad but i can visit it again


New Member
I believe the z6 head flows a little better than the y8 not 100 percent on that, but i believe it does not really to much other difference in between them the y8 intake mani is the best d series intake manifold though.
i was looking online for the diffrences and preferences between the y8 and z6, and it seems more ppl are happier with the way the z6 works


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The most efficent and a little bit more powerful swap is a z6 head with a y8 intake mani z6 head flows a little better than the y8 and the y8 intake mani is the best of all the d series.


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yep ima get started ima put some before and after pics, by the way i saw the gsr toda and really dint care much for the sound
