too little hp for 18 psi?


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I just got it dynoed and we got 304hp and around 234 torque at ~17-18psi. Do you guys think this is too low. I've read other people on honda-tech and even on here getting close to 300 at only 10psi. Is there any problem areas in the setup I should look at if this is a little low? Thanks for any help.

I have a:
t3/t4e 57 trim
je 84mm 9:1
eagle rods
blox valves
dual valve springs
rc 750cc injectors
msd fuel pump
aem ems

Brian Spilner

hatch2000 said:
I just got it dynoed and we got 304hp and around 234 torque at ~17-18psi. Do you guys think this is too low. I've read other people on honda-tech and even on here getting close to 300 at only 10psi. Is there any problem areas in the setup I should look at if this is a little low? Thanks for any help.

I have a:
t3/t4e 57 trim
je 84mm 9:1
eagle rods
blox valves
dual valve springs
rc 750cc injectors
msd fuel pump
aem ems
its all in the tune.


None Taken.
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id have to see the dyno graph, but that motor isnt making ANY torque. 234 for a t3/4 on a b18c is unbelieveably low. either you're running extremely rich, your timing is way too retarded, or theres some problem with the motor or turbo. it could be as simple as a boost leak, or you could have a blown turbo or motor. but somthing is definitely not right with that setup, as you should be seeing much better numbers than what you have.


4 Doors For More Whores
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that is way low man.but as said,if everything is in proper working order,its all in the you are either lacking a good tune,or something is malfuntioning in your setup


92 4doorSleeper
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Wow you should be seeing well into the 400's


Stickin it to the Man
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lets see a dyno


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just curious is that on a dyno jet? yea id say that is pretty low for that that much boost


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I'm curious, at what RPM did you see that torque number and hp number? Can we see a chart with an A/F plot as well? Do you have confirmation that you are actually reaching 18 psi?


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I will have a dyno graph with a/f up soon. The motor is freshly built, but I will check the boost leak. Otherwise everything is still pretty new. The timing could be something too. I'll have to check that. Thanks.


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LCheung said:
I'm curious, at what RPM did you see that torque number and hp number? Can we see a chart with an A/F plot as well? Do you have confirmation that you are actually reaching 18 psi?
The boost gauge was the only indication of that boost level.

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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I would say its prolly poorly tuned or there is a leak some where, be it the cylinders or just some where in all the plumbing.


Applesauce b***h!
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King Bob said:
I would say its prolly poorly tuned or there is a leak some where, be it the cylinders or just some where in all the plumbing.
Werd. are you blowing tons of black smoke?


f**k The Powers That B
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wow and thats a pretty good setup too


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sounds like it's too rich. lean it out a little...very carefully.


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are you sure your waste gate can handle that much boost? Is your gauge before or after the waste gate? Also, is your controller before or after the wastegate in your setup?


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I would say look at the simple things first.

I would check your cam timing and make sure you are not a tooth off. If your intake cam is off even a tooth, you can see some very stupid results.

The sound of those numbers almost seems like vtec isn't even engaging.


Amante de los EG's
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and, which is the best setup for timing? yeah that sound is like if you ran very rich...


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WalterRonny said:
and, which is the best setup for timing? yeah that sound is like if you ran very rich...
I can't get the dyno scanned, but it is running a little rich. From around 5,800-8,500 the a/f dropped from about 12 to 10. How much power am I actually losing from that?


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You have to look at the area where your A/F ratio is questionable. Does the drop in A/F cause the torque curve to fall off?

THe only reason why I questioned what your powerband looked like was because everyone's first implication was that the max power and max torque numbers were the only things of interest. They're not, what if your motor was making 234 lb-ft of torque at 3k rpm? and 304 hp straight across from 4-7k? Not saying that looking at your setup that this is likely, but there's more to it. Torque is worthless unless you're spinning the motor, so people spout all the torque numbers they want, it doesn't matter unless the motor is turning at some RPM.
