too little hp for 18 psi?


Amante de los EG's
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
hatch2000 said:
I can't get the dyno scanned, but it is running a little rich. From around 5,800-8,500 the a/f dropped from about 12 to 10. How much power am I actually losing from that?
you run with air/fuel 10 ? :shock: i am not sure , how much power you are losing with this , but .. you need to tune again .. 18 PSI , your setup, you would have to get approximately a 400 to plus.. your need check all..

King Bob

The life'o Riley
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so any word back man, ever find out the problem?


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King Bob said:
so any word back man, ever find out the problem?
sorry, was away for the weekend.

-wastegate should be able to handle it = tial w/ 10lb spring

I haven't had time to look at anything on the car leaks yet because of the weather here and because of school and work. Right now I'm just starting to force myself to work on it because good weather is on it's way and I want to be able to cruise and go do a few runs.

I'm still a little newbie at reading fuel/timing maps but I can post up the .cal file or if I can figure out how to do a screen while doing the program, I'll have it up. Otherwise if i'm reading this right, around 18.67PSIg timing is 23.4-23.1 between 5k-9k rpm.


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quick google on how to and heres the ignition map



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We needs to see the dyno s**t amigo. Then we can see whats up.


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here's the dyno. the a/f looks a shitty but we couldn't finish it because the coolant valve blew off the IM. Anyways let me know what you guys think.

