Traded the Civic for this.....


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aweful quiet in this cabin, let me turn on the radio... OH WAIT! I forgot subaru diidn't put a radio in this model.... to save 10 pounds....


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Sorry guys, havent been online for a little while. I have been burning up a lot of fuel!!! Anyhow, I paid $19,750 for it. The dealer wanted 23,900 for it, it just wasnt worth that much to me....after a week of walking out of the dealership, and saying no over the phone, I got the deal I wanted.
damnit...lost another to awd....but great pickup...have fun with it
I think that I'll own a Honda until I die, still cant beat the relieability!! I own a 95 EX also, much better gas mileage and sweet ride.
aweful quiet in this cabin, let me turn on the radio... OH WAIT! I forgot subaru diidn't put a radio in this model.... to save 10 pounds....
Yeah, it sucked for a week until I installed the headunit and speakers from the Civic.


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Well its a big difference in hp, and how the cars drive, but i love subarus especially sti's!!! Nice ride!!
