Turbo engine combo


Rubbin on yo booty
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There are plenty of Honda motors reving up to 10.5 and even higher. I've just never seen a b20vtec-t do it though; I don't doubt it can either.

Hondaz fo lyfeeee yo!


Built LSVTEC .63 a/r stg3
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I'm at about 3500km and still going strong on my lsvtec turbo.. Once again everyone who is too lazy or not smart enough to build a lsv comes out to bash on it.


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ls/vtec? not only do they have a SHITLOAD of problems n/a but to add boost to it. :lol:

I say LSt but if you absolutely NEED vtec than a b16 would be good. I mean s**t, evry person with a ls/vtec has had nothing but problems so if you want less problems I'd stay with a motor that already has vtec or doesn't have it at all. imo, the b18 is one of the stongest honda motors aside from the k series and then to add bost to it...... :shock:
