Turbo Kit Choice?


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SeanMc300 said:
cool. but hey, if you got 10 k...is that to put into turbo and built motor...or does that include the amount of money you got for a motor...
That would be everything together, including everything necessary for the turbo setup, then what is needed to build the motor stron enough to handle it, plus all the extra things like tuning and fuel managment etc.
I know it's alot of money and I'm still deciding about the future of my car whether or not to save for this, or keep this car as it is for a while then sell and buy a GTI-R Pulsar..


professional a*****e
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id take your 10k and get the gti-r. theya re way better than ANY honda.


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Well they would be alot faster than msot Honda's, and better traction etc. But the shock on peoples faces when they get wasted by a little 4 cylinder civic is tempting..
Guess I'll have to wait and see.


professional a*****e
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the look on peoples faces getting beat by a tiny ass hatch will be the same


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I doubt it.. If you pull up next to a GTI-R for example, you expect for it to have some balls. But the everyday person (in Australia) doesn't expect a little Civic to go very fast at all.


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The word turbo kit and affordable......never heard of it....but the cheapest I know of is Greddy, but the best would be rev hard or drag



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If I was going to go with a kit, I reckon a full-race one would best suit me, or something like the drag or rev-hard like you said. The GReddy kit doesn't leave mch room for expansion from what I can see, and I'm pretty sure once I taste some boost, I'll be wanting more :D


professional a*****e
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neither does drag or rev hard..get the full race.


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Aw okai, I haven't researched them too much, but my first impression was that you could upgrade them very easily. But thanks for clearing it up for me.


professional a*****e
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the upgrades of any of those will NOT even come close to the full race. keep in mind, the full race ONLY COMES WITH, manifold, turbo, downpipe, fmic, wastegate, bov (i think bov...and wg..) The rest youll have to source on your own. www.hondaswap.com, pissedoffsol has the full race on his gsr-delsol, its not running yet, but everything is on there, he has spent about 14k on his motor, including price, ask him what he has done to his motor..[parts used blah blah blah..... he knows his s**t
