twincharge B18


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yo guys, i'm new 2 this forum, and would like some help/insight into this thread. a friend of mine want 2 be different by twincharging his b18c. i have twincharged toyota engines b4, but i was wonderin if it would be the same/similar to twincharging a b18.

what would he need 2 do to strengthen the block for this amount of boost, and stuff like dat. thanx alot


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the twincharging would be a trick, what toyota did was use the supercharger for low end, then once the turbo spooled up it hit some kind of a clutch to allow the turbo to do the rest. A setup like that is going to cost alot of money as well as be a mechanical nightmare.

as for the block i would go with some dart sleves or fill the block


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money isn't a problem for him, i just want 2 kno if it would basically set-up the same way as the toyota twincharging set-up


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its possable if you have the money. Anything is possable if you have the money, the trick is just finding someone to do an odd setup like that


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oh sorry about that, as mentioned b4 i did a couple of twincharged toyota projects b4, supposed to be doin this twincharged B18, dats why i asked if it is similar to the toyota ones, does anyone have any sites that have documented a twincharged honda project


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This is the first time I've even heard of twincharging, seems pretty cool.


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twin turbo'ing a i-4 is pretty pointless....setup wouldnt as efficient as a single turbo setup


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ok. i ain't sure how much boost the engine gine be running, probably over 35psi, depending on what is done. i've seen twincharged toyota engines makin 500hp and i kno that you don't have 2 twincharge a B18 to make that power. i have read about 800hp civics and integras usin ALL TURBO and no nitrous, so i realy don't undastand y he wanna twincharge, except to be different. unless when the engine twincharged and tuned properly, it goin to make nearly 1100hp, w/o NOS


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sorry for the misundastandin, but by twincharging i don't mean usin 2turbos, i am refering to usin a turbocharger, and a supercharging on the same engine.

i was waitin for the person to mistake it to mean usin 2turbos


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there would be an incredible amount of lag if you twin turbo your b18. or any civic for that matter. or any 4 banger.

EDIT: just read your last, post. i dont think thats even possible.


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i am not usin 2turbos, i am using a supercharger and a turbo. supercarger for low end speed and turbo for top end. the supercharger, and turbo gine be running arond the midrange, which is where the supercharger would be switched


92 4doorSleeper
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Shiznit said:
there would be an incredible amount of lag if you twin turbo your b18. or any civic for that matter. or any 4 banger.

EDIT: just read your last, post. i dont think thats even possible.
Yes it is possible. A roots type blower with an turbo feeding to it after lag.

$lick Rick

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The Grim Sleeper said:
Yes it is possible. A roots type blower with an turbo feeding to it after lag.
but you'd still have the parasitic drag from the sc all the time.

i have never seen it done on a b18, not sure how it'd work or perform..... but i'm pretty sure it wouldnt be cost effective what so ever.


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that is the reason why i started dis thread. on the gze toyota engine, once twincharged there wsn't much parasitic drag from the supercharger once the turbo kicked it. the s/c was controlled by a electrical switch, which would switch off the s/c at a certain/preset amount of boost, so that the supercharger wouldn't be providing boost pressure along with the turbo

$lick Rick

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Lamphant said:
that is the reason why i started dis thread. on the gze toyota engine, once twincharged there wsn't much parasitic drag from the supercharger once the turbo kicked it. the s/c was controlled by a electrical switch, which would switch off the s/c at a certain/preset amount of boost, so that the supercharger wouldn't be providing boost pressure along with the turbo
but you'll still have the drag from the rotational mass of the pully and the s/c will always create atleast a little drag.

b18's are not very responsive to s/c's really. honestly i wouldnt do it myself.... but since i've never seen it done and dont know for sure how it would perform.... to the best of my knowledge you'd be the first person to ever attempt this on a b18... go for it

$lick Rick

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huh, i wish it said how it performed.......

sad :(


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there was a article about twincharging in super street or SCC not too long ago. maybe a month or two ago. i've seen a video of a twin charged M3 and holy s**t was it loud and fast. if you do do the twincharged b18c please... keep us posted. i'd like to see it.


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i saw this done on a mini cooper, it was cool, power output is nice with little lag, but a tuning and mechanical nightmare all around. a single turbo is just better i think, but if you want to be original go for it


92 4doorSleeper
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$lick Rick said:
but you'll still have the drag from the rotational mass of the pully and the s/c will always create atleast a little drag.

b18's are not very responsive to s/c's really. honestly i wouldnt do it myself.... but since i've never seen it done and dont know for sure how it would perform.... to the best of my knowledge you'd be the first person to ever attempt this on a b18... go for it
not even enoungh drag to rod the motor of even .1hp
