Of course. I wonder what he could do compared to you all motor. It's a JDM h22a with Hytech header, AEM cai and ignition MSD stuff. A'PEXi N1, and not much else other than nitrous.
He ran a 13.3 all motor on slicks, never got a good run in on nitrous, and dyno'd at 195 all motor horsepower on a Mustang dynometer (wheel HP, much lower than normal)
I know for a fact than when running right, on the highway, with nitrous working in full force, its a f**king beast.
He ran a 13.3 all motor on slicks, never got a good run in on nitrous, and dyno'd at 195 all motor horsepower on a Mustang dynometer (wheel HP, much lower than normal)
I know for a fact than when running right, on the highway, with nitrous working in full force, its a f**king beast.