Well it happened to me....


I'm NOT eran!
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Ahh, should of contacted Evan, He was able to hook me with something.
That was over two years ago. I don't think he was out of school, much less working for Honda yet.

I'd way rather someone just break in. I have extra windows and tons of radios. =)


that civic.
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I'd be f**king devastated if that happened to me man.
It doesn't even matter what they stole, just someone f**king with your car...
Kinda makes you think who's f**king watching you and s**t

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Sorry to hear about that. that s**t sucks. So how do you prevent something like this from happening? are wheel locks the only solution?


New Member
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that sucks.. but look on the brighter side of things... at least you still have your car =)
