worked for a few hours moving s**t. then got my new bolt for my alternator and got some lithium geese for the car. now im about to go swimming.... naked
I've never heard the term before...? Sowwies!!!you know when theres an accident and everyone slows down to check it out? and essentially you "lift" your head up to look, henc the term rubbernecking...
how do you now know what that means?
Oh man...this a multi parted answer and it's quite long. 1--it depends. 2--sort of; lamp/wattage; often; type of lotion used. 3--there is no thickness w/ long does the tan last on your skin? probably depends on how much you tanned right? or how thick it goes on. idk. just curious.
Just had a Italian beef sam
you obviously worked in a mom/pop shop tanning salon if you have to ask why i don't go outside to do it. Ray knowledge is lacking for you.Why don't you just walk outside instead of spending money to tan?
Not knocking it, I used to work at a tanning salon to pick up job ever
skin cancer, no.until you get skin cancer
lol i feel like this wouldn't work at all. wouldn't all the girls just assume you were a fag?
Ray allergies are not common like people think. Ray sensitivity, is. Meaning if they turn red, well duh. Their skin lacks more pigmentation than the 'average' person does. So they're more sensitive to, let's say, a UVB ray, as opposed to a UVA ray.i knjow of some people that are allergic to direct sun rays. and their skink turns red