My suppressor that will work with the .300 will be here a few months before my 9mm one will be which is why it’s up for debate. I also really like the akV which is a 9mm ak.Go for the MP5. I have no experience with either yet, but I say that just because I want one as well.
1) lololol, you reminded me we had a runner a couple of nights ago. Female tried running in, female security guard gets out of the truck and clotheslines the chick to the pavement before any officers could get over there to cuff up.
2)Like I used to tell tourists in Key West who pissed me off "there's a lot of water to try finding a body in" so I've had to change the 'water' to 'sand/desert'. But no, definitely not planning on pissing off any girlfriends in the near future.
Tried setting lunch up but of course she won't be back in town until after I'm already on the way to work.
Also got my shift assignment yesterday. Tried getting swings, partially because that's what she's on + 15% differential.
Nope, got days. Zero pay differential, straight blood money for the next FY.
Guess I should've just kept my initial selection of midnights for that 20%
Also ordered some furniture a few minutes ago.
Hundreds cheaper than the local store from the manufacturers website + free shipping instead of "we might even be able to provide free delivery" + they have it in store and would have to order it anyway. Bed should be here Friday and the nightstands within 2-3 weeks. Just need a mattress, sofa, maybe a coffee table and I should be set. Then just get ready to maybe buy a house next year.
Buying furniture sucks. Get the minimum if you’re planning to buy a house. No one likes to move stuff twice. Or you end up in my situation where you move in with a woman and end up with two houses worth of stuff and not enough space
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