What are you doing / did you do today / CHAT THREAD


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Talking early morning politics with my grandfather.... Lord help us all.... lol


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Sucks about his brother, but yeah. Doesn't justify lazy behavior. I hate having to work OT (salary, doesn't matter how many hours I work). Generally, my bossy doesn't like to keep me late, though, because I power work and make everyone else around me work harder lol.
Yeah. See, since I've been promoted to assistant manager I'm supposed to go salary. The only reason I haven't discussed it with my general manager is because of this horseshit and I'm milking it for all that it's worth. He's lazy, rude to customers, unprofessional and a cheeseball. He drives me and my techs insane. They told me they like me better. :lol:

Sounds like every other parts manager I've seen.
I'm in Service.

Money money!
This is true.

Dayum, that sucks. But yeah money, money! Gotta fund that turbo build ;).

My pay is hourly based so I'll take all the hours I can get lol. I dislike anyone that doesn't take their job seriously in general. I work very hard no matter what I do, no matter how tired I am, no matter how little I get paid. I just can't stand it when people stand around and do nothing but chit chat while the rest of us lower position guys are running around doing everything. You're paid to work when you're at work. f***ing work.
I know, right? I'm looking into getting my downpipe made very soon. That's literally the last piece to the puzzle and that b***h is going on. Just with the holidays it might be tough :???:


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Yeah. See, since I've been promoted to assistant manager I'm supposed to go salary. The only reason I haven't discussed it with my general manager is because of this horses*** and I'm milking it for all that it's worth. He's lazy, rude to customers, unprofessional and a cheeseball. He drives me and my techs insane. They told me they like me better. :lol:

I'm in Service.

This is true.

I know, right? I'm looking into getting my downpipe made very soon. That's literally the last piece to the puzzle and that b**** is going on. Just with the holidays it might be tough :???:
Just do what you've got to do, and he'll f**k up enough to get canned. That's usually how it happens. Also, I feel you. Finances are a lot tighter than they should be right now.. one of my roommates moved out, so we have to pick up his slack on the rent/utilities. That cuts into my car fund. On top of that, utility deposits are insane (I had to drop $1000 to get everything turned on, on top of $675 for my share of the house deposit. Ouch.). It will be next year until I start really going crazy with the EJ. Bummer.


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Just do what you've got to do, and he'll f*** up enough to get canned. That's usually how it happens. Also, I feel you. Finances are a lot tighter than they should be right now.. one of my roommates moved out, so we have to pick up his slack on the rent/utilities. That cuts into my car fund. On top of that, utility deposits are insane (I had to drop $1000 to get everything turned on, on top of $675 for my share of the house deposit. Ouch.). It will be next year until I start really going crazy with the EJ. Bummer.
Well they asked my if I wanted his position. And I said I wouldn't unless I had an assistant. They didn't really have a response to that but now they'r bringing someone over to "help out"...


Boost Junkie
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Well they asked my if I wanted his position. And I said I wouldn't unless I had an assistant. They didn't really have a response to that but now they'r bringing someone over to "help out"...
Looks like those gears are set in motion already, then! Nice :D


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Well they asked my if I wanted his position. And I said I wouldn't unless I had an assistant. They didn't really have a response to that but now they'r bringing someone over to "help out"...
I'm down to be your assistant ;)


Boost Junkie
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5+ Year Member
Only sometimes though. I got a schoolgirl outfit one time and he did not complain.
Well I don't think I would complain about that either. But when a girl is like "alright, I have this latex suit I want you to wear..", I draw the line. Also, pics or it didn't happen.


Avi, pull your socks up.
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Well I don't think I would complain about that either. But when a girl is like "alright, I have this latex suit I want you to wear..", I draw the line. Also, pics or it didn't happen.
No that's like too weird.

And nooooo way. Too scandalous.


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outfits and role playing are different throwing on an outfit is one thing, but role play is like the latex suit whole another game and rules that comes with that and its no good.
