ha! OK I remembered.I like your response to that quote.
I typically get trigger point and reflexology massages, but occasionally I will get a myofascial massage if I've got a muscle that won't release. It can be extremely painful and I have a very high pain tolerance when it comes to massage, but it works.
My only other problem with vitamins is so much of it is man-made s**t and chemicals added, that I don't want the extra crap in me. I try to eat foods with higher vitamin counts in them to avoid anything man made. I have gotten extremely concerned with fake ingredients over the years I've noticed, but I feel a million times better eating this extremely clean too.f*** me that's a lot of responses that I don't want to quote lol.
Kelly - I take a store brand version of One-A-Day's Multivitamin for Men. I went through the Supplement Facts and they're 97% identical so I figured I'd just go the store brand route to save a ton of money. I usually take my muscle medication to make moving around at work easier, so it's easy for me to remember to take anything else. I was so doubtful of vitamins but a few friends of mine told me it's a world of a difference and now I'm definitely a believer.
Osiris - Sounds like you're just trying to come up with excuses. If you wanna get better, you gotta work for it. That s*** just don't come at you overnight lol. Also, try to be mindful of how you physically act/move. I used to think my body was in horrible shape because stuff would hurt all the time but I started paying attention to how I moved around and it was my own fault for putting my body into the shape it got into. Improper lifting was the biggest thing. It just takes one wrong move to make your life miserable every day. Baby steps dude. Just keep at it.
My best friends fiance does kick boxing and she LOVES it. Definitely an AWESOME work out.
And I love getting my massages. As painful as they are most of the time, I always feel better afterwards. Just remember to drink plenty of water after! I made a mistake of not drinking any after one of my first ones and I was aching and sore ALL over.
Alex, I have a friend that lost about 50lbs doing kick boxing. She's the best she's ever looked in her life IMO.