What fuse to turn off check engine light?

Wendy honda

New Member
I have a 2003 Civic with the check engine light on. It has been to a mechanic, it is the evaporation system code that is the problem. I believe it is the gas cap, so I've bought a new one. Now which fuse do I pull to turn off the check engine light? It is easier to do that than unplug the battery. Thanks!


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There isn't one. What are you trying to do? If you are trying to reset, have it done by a code scanner.


New Member
I thought you could pull the ecu backup fuse, but maybe that was for the older civics....otherwise you could stop at advance auto or autozone and have them clear the codes


I had a Civic once.
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IMO, just unplug the battery. Easiest option if you're not super close to a place that has a code scanner available as recommended above.

Wendy honda

New Member
I thought you could pull the ecu backup fuse, but maybe that was for the older civics....otherwise you could stop at advance auto or autozone and have them clear the codes
Is that fuse #6? I believe I have found it, just have to try it out. I would rather not pay for someone to do something that I can do and I have never heard of Advance Auto or Autozone here in Ontario, Canada.


Authoritah, respected.
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If you repaired the issue that caused the code then I can understand why you want to go this route. Otherwise, the code will eventually return. Your smarter option is to buy an inexpensive code scanner online for $10-$20 shipped.

Instead of disconnecting the battery, its better to just unplug the ECU for 5 minutes, that way nothing else has to reset. Keep in mind that if you go either route, your ECU will now take several days to weeks to re-map your engines performance, which is not a good thing to do often.


Ur gonna have to test the purge valve on the canister and then apply vacuum to se if it holds

Sent from my LGMS345 using Tapatalk


New Member
Lol didnt know you were in canada, no wonder you have never heard of those places, you could try a local parts store or garage to check if they will reset it


Mr. Search
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Get the code cleared by a code scanner, see if it comes back.
