What have you done to your 5th Gen Civic Today?


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Actually, the complete set goes for about $300.

Finding one is difficult, but definitely worth the wait.

Tapatalk2 T-Mobile Galaxy S3


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Drove the EJ to work this morning. Other than the cel (8, top dead center sensor, got a bad distributor :/ waiting on paperwork so I can swap it out) it did good =) couldn't get the window all the way up cause it fell of track, but just fixed that during lunch ;) may need a new felt, but gonna spray some silicon on it when I get home and look into getting a new one.

Tapatalk2 T-Mobile Galaxy S3


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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I came home to find out my little sister did this to my first civic project that I had given her for her birthday.

Unfortunatly the car was almost mint besides some scratches on the rear bumper when I gave it too her.


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That's why everyone's first car should be a beater :/ poor Lil EJ :(

Tapatalk2 T-Mobile Galaxy S3


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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^ that was my first car. But I built it then moved on 19months ago.
But I missed it so I've built a new one to DD since my FRS is garaged till my tickets drop off.


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ordered a new main relay...praying that is my problem.


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I came home to find out my little sister did this to my first civic project that I had given her for her birthday.

Unfortunatly the car was almost mint besides some scratches on the rear bumper when I gave it too her.
How did that happen? :O

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Raised the car up a little bit hopefully enough to pass inspection. Fixed my hood ( wasn't latching ). Mounted a new amp. ( fried the terminals on my old one ). Put a blue led in my ash tray. Replaced a blown bulb in my cluster. Put a blue led in my cluster for high beams. D

oes anyone know what wire to cut do my clock don't dim?

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Sleeper EG8

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Removed the 4 wheel studs now can't get the new ones in. I need a press or remove the wheel hub

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how'd you get the old ones out? if got them out, shld be able to put them back in. You can put the stud in from the back, then place a stack of washers on the stud, followed by a lugnut. tighten down the lugnut, and it should pull the new stud into place. I've seen this trick used in several magazines, and I did it myself a few months ago when I had to replace some broken studs on my wife's Odyssey.

Sleeper EG8

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how'd you get the old ones out? if got them out, shld be able to put them back in. You can put the stud in from the back, then place a stack of washers on the stud, followed by a lugnut. tighten down the lugnut, and it should pull the new stud into place. I've seen this trick used in several magazines, and I did it myself a few months ago when I had to replace some broken studs on my wife's Odyssey.
Used a hammer to take the old ones out and ended up having to use a hammer to get the new ones in.

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Autoxed the s**t out of it... seriously, I let my friend drive it, we each had 8 laps a piece...


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Decided to take my valve cover off and adjust my valves, been needing to do that for a while, then decided that while i had it off I would repaint so that it was the true JDM red unlike the crud i had on it before that ended up turning like a super orange red instead of red. "FACEPALM" for going so cheap the first time.

Sleeper EG8

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Got the new front suspension put on today. Can't install the rear yet since I need new lower control arms. Ignore the body I know its rough
the lighting sucks :/

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I finally put the passengers side knuckle on (with new ballpoint and wheel bearing) and all that is left is the tierods.

Tapatalk2 T-Mobile Galaxy S3
