What's up with HMO?


New Member
Sup guys,

I'm from the UK and I ordered something from HMO around end of January (Credit card transaction cleared on 2nd Feb). I spoke to Steve and he was really nice and prior to that we had several emails back and forth. I gave it a bit of time to arrive as I've waited 3 months for goods from the states before but this is small compared to my previous order.

My question is, has anyone had any problems with HMO before? Are they closed at the moment? I've sent two follow up emails with the order reference Steve gave me, and not had a reply in last few weeks. I've tried calling last week and again there but only to find the voicemail message. They seem to be a reputable company over there, and I just want to look for an update and don't want to go through any claims with my credit card company just yet... Hopefully I wouldn't need to go down this route.

Any help would be great and appreciated.




I had a Civic once.
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I just did a quick call, and someone picked up :what:

Are you calling the right number?
(818) 723-2572


All Day, All JDM
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Ive never had an issue HMO and i've been dealing with them for years....long enough to call and say this is Kerry and Steve knows who I am.

I've had to wait over a month for certain items through HMO and i'm here in the states. The slow part of the transactions are usually due to the shipping/freight companies.

If you are getting the voicemail when you call.....leave them a message. They do get back to you as i'm sure others can vouch for on that.


New Member
Yeah that's the number I tried. I managed to get through to Steve and again he's been really helpful. He's given me his direct number this time and asked for me to contact him tomorrow as he's gonna have a look into it. Thanks for the help
