will i be a ricer?


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i would, but i would recomend led, they will last longer than neons, and if you crack a tube they arent shot.


No Fun
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i would, but i would recomend led, they will last longer than neons, and if you crack a tube they arent shot.

I don't think it would look bad, but deff drop your car first... Yes not many people run them.. But ehh its your car... I would run some on mine but broke em a few times... Might do LED but we will see... GL


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Heres my input.

Your car dont listen to anyone on here,do what you feel is best and that will suit you the best.

There not paying for them so who gives 2 shits what they think.


D-Series Master
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Yes, your a ricer for making a thread like this.


Stickin it to the Man
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if you have to ask if something would be considered rice, then the answer is probably yes. however, if you like it then i suggest you do it.


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i dont know of any race cars that rock neons so technically its not rice

got traction

i rock the sohc
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lol @ OP saying his car is 11:1 compression with Manley rods.....Manley dosent make D series rods


formerly egninesallday
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lol at this whole thread. It would be cool to build a 10 second car then put neons on it so people think your all show then it would be ok otherwise i would laugh at you sorry bro


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If it's just neons, I don't think you'd be rice. match is with a body kit and big rims and spoiler and it would be.
you should maybe save and lower it though first.
neons aren't really done anymore, but I don't think their really that bad. I'll admit, i've thought about it


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nope doo itttt... you would be a ricer if u got a jdm front end or some dumb s**t like that though! jdm is the new rice
