bizoneoeh said:
this is the gods honest truth- after i installed my trubo, i was told to make 2 thrid gear 7000 rpm pulls with it
to make sure the trubo was spooling, wastegate was working, and bov working- had a huge fear of doing
that, cause my motor was a stock, 30000 mile jdm swap motor, but the dyno shop told me to do it, so i did
it- and after the first pull, got a nice, pretty, black cloud of smoke going behind me.... compression test showed 2 failed cylinders, victims of broken ring lands.....
SO THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS.....nobody can tell you weather your motor will hold boost or not, even looking at before-hand compression test numbers....they can tell you it will PROBABLY hold, but not
DEFINATELY... nobdy knows that...
i ran my car extremelt rich to be safe, so i know it wasnt detonation, it just didnt handle it. so ive said it before, and ill say it now, wait till you have the money to build the motor if it gives out.
then it wont matter if that hater d**k at your shop is right, cause when your motor is built and your shitting all over what he drives, the world will be a better place.