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I've never had an issue with my Linksys stuff
The router has a one year warranty so we'll see how it goes, but thanks for the info! This is why I post up on here because there are some people that really know their s**t on here. Thanks again!Netgears are notoriously garbage. I would have suggested going with a Cisco Linksys router. I have never had an issue with a Cisco router. Also, yes, going LAN with a Cat5e/Cat6 cable is your best bet. Fastest speeds, no interruptions, constant connectivity, and predominance over WAN connected devices (i.e. you won't get bandwidth raped when other people connect and start streaming porn off your connection). Also, don't use a WEP key for your WAN security. Even at 128 bit security, they're easy to crack.
Linksys was good back in the day. There newer stuff is garbage. Netgear has the best routers out now.
Net gear is what I suggest to people when they ask me what to get for a router. Everyone that I know that has had a lunksys has switched to netgear cause of the pore quality linksts gas become