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My dad gets tailgated all the time by people even when he does 5 miles over the speed limit. People drive really weird up here.


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My dad gets tailgated all the time by people even when he does 5 miles over the speed limit. People drive really weird up here.
I hate those people, but I think that happens everywhere...


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I wonder why the north people make fun of the south? Or when the north people come to south, the south make fun off? What the idea of this? Is it because we talk diffferent? I have been there before use to live in Indiana. Sorry that I keep posting in off topic its just that I have nothing to say about my honda its just sitting in the yard being a yard ornament.
Why is that people from up north make fun of southerners, and visa versa? What is the idea behind this? Is it because we speak differently?
I have been up north before; I used to live in Indiana.
I'm sorry that I keep posting in Off Topic. I have nothing to say about my Honda, seeing how it's just sitting in my yard as a lawn ornament.

^^Please read how I used correct grammar and punctuation, it may clear up a lot for you. I'm not being a d**k, but my point is you've just fallen into the stereotype of dumb rednecks from the south with how you worded that.
Because north > south (unless you're talking about Korea) and east > west (other than Missouri and Washington).

Yeah...I may be a bit biased. But that's how it goes.
Aawwww, <3 I must say I'd rather be in a northern coastal state though than here.
My girlfriend and I visited her parents on Long Island this past summer. I ended up driving us to the Hamptons to stay with some friends for a couple nights. You yanks drive like it's a frickin race to the other side. I thought I was going to get run off the L.I.E. for only doing 70... One douche rode my ass for like 2 miles, I'm talkin I couldnt see his front bumper in my rear view. So finally he gets into the left lane, passes me, then gets back in the right lane in front of me and SLOWS THE f*** DOWN :x no wonder you use your horns so friggin much
When I was up in Maryland last month I LOVED the way people were driving!!!! Denny(Raabe on here) was panicking, I flippin' loved it. I'm from the Chicago area originally, and we tend to drive very similar to East Coast drivers. I also loved how hustle/bustle it was out there. I can't wait to visit NYC someday and just be mowed over!


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When I was up in Maryland last month I LOVED the way people were driving!!!! Denny(Raabe on here) was panicking, I flippin' loved it. I'm from the Chicago area originally, and we tend to drive very similar to East Coast drivers. I also loved how hustle/bustle it was out there. I can't wait to visit NYC someday and just be mowed over!
omg I LOVED driving in NYC!!! People ride each others asses like no other. People actually FLOOR it to make lights instead of stopping early on a yellow. The only thing that sucks is that it's just all blocks so every 150 is a light and it's constant stop and go. It takes like 45 minutes to drive 5 miles. You're better off walking in NYC. And parking is outrageously expensive.


gt CasaNova
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i believe it has something to do with inbreeding.
Reason one why don't like people from the north. Ignorance of how things really are in the south.
Reason two is we have alot better food. You want bbq you go to texas everything else is better from down here. Yes their are a bunch of stupid ignorant people in the south as well. I don't mind having an accent. I personally think the jersey shore and Chicago accent annoy the living hell out of me. Chicago I got used to. I don't like the big city life from the big industry up north. I like the fact of not having to deal with a ton of traffic. We drive fine here. Texas has some crazy ass drivers. I also know that the culture down here is better than anywhere in the states. Good old Louisiana. Finally I love saying Y'ALL


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i believe it has something to do with inbreeding.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that, and then I started researching. This is NOT current, this was released in 1956 but it's quite interesting none-the-less.



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at least your not from alabama.


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so north atlantic tops the list for imbreeding. that's the fun fact of the day :thumbs up


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i personally dont like most northern people, they are stuck up assholes for the most part. congrats, you have traffic,higher everything, shitty accents. and your chicks are fugly.

the north can blow me,


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I grew up in central WA, lived in Cincinnati for 3 years and sadly live outside memphis now.

Miss Cincy because there is so much to do and my fiance still lives there
I have lived in Cincy for the last 21 years and it has it's moments. Times I like it and times I hate it. What part of Cincy she live in?


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i personally dont like most northern people, they are stuck up assholes for the most part. congrats, you have traffic,higher everything, s***ty accents. and your chicks are fugly.

the north can blow me,
You know, when I moved to STL everyone called me a stuck up b***h and I couldn't figure out why, b/c back home I blended in with everyone and wasn't ever called that. It really is true that the further south you go, the nicer the people are. I've mellowed out quite a bit(yea..shocker, i know).

It's true that things are faster in the north, and esp east coast too. People down here STILL drive me batshit crazy sometimes with how slow moving they are, but it's helped me to appreciate smaller things in life as well. Trust me when I'm in a hurry though, my northern rage comes out and I mow people over and drive like a complete a*****e.

I'm sorry though..adding syllables to words that aren't in the spelling is not attractive. We enunciate the syllables provided in words more prominently, but we don't add to them.

And no, southern girls aren't more attractive..esp the girls that crossed the border with tans. puke.


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^^ lol? southern girls are blonde headed blue eyes man... ever heard of a southern belle? what are you talking about tans lol


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^^ lol? southern girls are blonde headed blue eyes man... ever heard of a southern belle? what are you talking about tans lol
I figured he was referring to the messicans and latinas.

I'm blonde hair, blue eyes, natural tan, curvy, no accent. as long as i don't speak i fall into that category! :lol:


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I don't know why but I have a thing for country girls.


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I have lived in Cincy for the last 21 years and it has it's moments. Times I like it and times I hate it. What part of Cincy she live in?
north of 275 you creeper :roll:

she is getting her masters at Xavier

My home town in WA (Yakima) was blah, not much to do unless you go to the tri-cities, portland, seattle, maybe spokane if youre really bored. You had to make a day or a weekend of it. Cincy has it all right there, it gets boring after awhile but its nice to just to have it so close.


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Reason one why don't like people from the north. Ignorance of how things really are in the south.
Reason two is we have alot better food. You want bbq you go to texas everything else is better from down here. Yes their are a bunch of stupid ignorant people in the south as well. I don't mind having an accent. I personally think the jersey shore and Chicago accent annoy the living hell out of me. Chicago I got used to. I don't like the big city life from the big industry up north. I like the fact of not having to deal with a ton of traffic. We drive fine here. Texas has some crazy ass drivers. I also know that the culture down here is better than anywhere in the states. Good old Louisiana. Finally I love saying Y'ALL
Now I dont know about all that. I mean I dont fancy a crawfish and gator pizza, or a blackened catfish tacos.
I do on the other hand love gator and crawfish. Each region has its own food and tastes, to say one is better than the other is not accurate. The NW is not very culture heavy (at least thats what Ive observed living there) and I like food from all over.
