Woot My Foggies installed!


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LatinEM1 said:
The headlights are DIY CTR...and the install was about 4 hrs..what took most time was the cutting the of the bumper...everything is plug n play...follow the instructions step by step and you'll be fine..and no there is no wiring to the ecu at all..=)
Thanks again.


Kahel is Orange
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
SeanJohn1802 said:
if you just wire it up like stock, you can only turn the fogs on when the headlights are on, and when you hit hte high beams.. they turn off

foglight trick = u can turn the signal light on (first click, before low beam lights) and you can turn the fog lights on, and when you high beam it, fogs will still be on ;)

here it was just an ordinary thing to have that kind of set-up-for the foggies (PH).
