Would you get a


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Get a 92 CX hatch. ^_^ Lightest hatch and you can plug and play an obd1 dohc vtec swap in. Coupes are nice but theres just something about the hatch that says "IM A GAWD DAMN PIMP". Anyway, I say get a 92 CX hatchback :-D. Or any 92 hatch because they are prewired for vtec.


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Ryne, i'd get a EX just because i like the options n things of that nature... im not a caveman and dont want to roll my windows down myself, its already enuff i gotta shift and s**t like that. . . but you should pick what you think is the best, shiet i wish i would have gotten a 5th gen EX cuz with the money i borrowed from credit union, i could have gotten that, a b18c5 and suped it up and been runnin 13's already, but im happy with my si none the less and like my boy flavi check it .. .

Originally posted by my_ex_is_faster
I'd go for an si too, but he's not asking about a hatch. I'd go with the ex coupe if I were you!

SeanJohn1802, not all sohc vtecs are slow, now are they? lol
he gots what your looking for (well he's not sellin his but u know the car type) and he has exact same mods as i do, and he is like on my rear bumper when we raced couple of times...

all in what you want though... u like have the nice power options, EX, you dont give a s**t cuz you think your a savage and that the 200-300lb really makes that much of a difference to u, then DX it up


MiLaNo Si
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ey well some ppl get dx cuz they want it to be a lil ighter without all the options, but i'd get the ex cuz im a lazy niggy dat dont like rolling down the window manually


Suck Ass Evil Pooper!
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You can't have powershit where i live!! The first time you hit the unlock button you would snap the little plastic gromets that hold all that s**t in place inside the door because of the cold freezing everthing up!! Plus because of all the dust out here i give the windows a year b4 they wouldn't work out here! im not saying power s**t isn't nice, My 92 mustang GT (b4 some stupid drunk b***h Tboned me) had power windows and locks and all that s**t and i loved it!! My girls Bonniville has power everthing and it's cool, Cept when the door locks froze one time and i broke all the s**t inside the door trying to unlock it ;) I speak from experence!! And It Sucked!


forever a post whore
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U think IOWA is cold. TRY LIVING IN WISCONSIN. I have a cottage up nort(yea its way up der hay). I had to install a remote start because if i would die going outside to start my car in the middle of the winter when its like -20(actual temp). Anyways get the ex...i wish i could have all the features of an ex except power steering because i love the normal steering. i might haveto get one and remove it when i swap

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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I want a hatch ... anyone wanna trade? j/k ;)


El Gistro Mami!
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it depends on what you wanna do to the car. if just a daily driver, i would get the EX. if you gonna modify it, the i'd go for the DX because of the weight difference.


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dont bump old threads :cussing:


CCHB Member #67
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i got an Si Hatch, just bought it, great little car : )

go for the power options


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i'd definitely go for an Si too. but between EX n DX?... EX


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I would definently go EX. Because when it comes time to swap in that dohc vtec motor you dont have to worry about runnin your wires for vtec, cuz they are already there.

Which, from my experiences, is a good thing because the less wiring you have to do the better.........


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Hey Eg_Project! is that your ride? where can i see it?
