tried to take a couple shots in RAW format tonight, but cant open in photoshop...what program do you have to use?
photoshop 7.0 got it as a hack though, so i dont think im able to dowload updates for it?i use adobe lightroom to open my raw photos, but i think there is a photoshop plug-in that will let you do it also...what version of PS you using?
yesis RAW the best quality to take pics?
Random, what exactly is the point of lightroom? isnt it just the same as photoshop? i've never understood what lightroom can do that photoshop cant
hah. yeah i dont have a DSLR but i put a firmware hack on my canon p&s so now i can shoot in raw so much better.thanks ill be trying that mode out next time i get my hands on the camera my girlfriend took it back home
i feel empty with out it
lightroom is for post processinglightroom is morely for photo correction and stuff, photoshop is when you want to do more post processing, visual effects, etc.