So everyone should only be allowed to own single shot muzzle stuffers (black power rifles/pistols)? Your statement is quite possible the stupidest I have ever heard! If three people break into you house and attack you are you supposed to say oh wait a second bad guys let me reload my single shot so I can kill you before you kill me. Law abiding citizens have ever "RIGHT" to own guns weather they are single shot or semi auto, we should focus on keeping them out if criminals hands. Lets not forget that millions of law abiding citizens use semi autos for target practice/competition & even hunting!
Cars kill far more people annually then guns do and they are not even a constitutional right, maybe we should ban them or limit their top speed to 60mph?
If Obama is elected he will push an all out ban on guns, after a term of him in office this is the kind of Socialist crap we'd be seeing: