How long does it take you to go through 400 shots...and how many keepers did you end up with?
89SiGuy - Depending on your locations and weather, after you start shooting for a bit and get used to your equipment, you'll be able to guess what settings you're going to be using. For that shot, since the light was bounced off of a white umbrella..its not as efficient as a silver umbrella, so that told me that I was going to need more light. So, since the vivitar was already set on the highest power and I didn't want to up the ISO, I adjusted the f/stop down a couple stops from f/7.1 to f/4.5...or whatever final settings i used. But, when using the 50 mm and I was starting to get into the sub f/3.5 range and I didn't want that short of a focal lenght, i had to up the iso to 200 so that I could should with an f/stop of f/7.1
Coutts - Remember, I was shooting with the kit 18-55mm lens for a whole year.