Canadian 96 Civic LX Sedan


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I'm not so much new to this forum, since I have been using it for awhile, but this is the first time I've posted pics. Here is my car, it started as a winter beater and kind of turned into a project. I've never really been a huge fan of Civics, but the parts are so cheap and easy to come by, and the car kind of grows on you. I bought this car as a beaten up LX with 430,000KMs original motor automatic for $300, and now it's almost an EX, manual trans, and cleaned up quite a bit. I am a licensed mechanic, so I do everything myself, and it's very satisfying to see a $300 car come from this :

To this :

I just realized, I don't have any recent interior pics. I have a Mishimoto carbon intake on the way, and tint and a Momo Champion wheel waiting to go on, once I do that, i'll take some more pics.
Let me know what you think!


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thats cool man, wish i could find one for 300 damn dollars


i'm a mod now
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looks good and props for doing it your selfers


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damn! lookin good. wish I had access to the shop


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Maybe it's the lighting but your dash looks a lot lighter than mine.


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Ehhh not my style. The fogs are really tacky.

I do like the valve cover though.


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Updated Interior pics :

My interior is almost to were I want it. I'm just waiting on the matching e-brake handle and I need to get my headliner recovered.

Oh, and the blue lights on the floor are wired to the door switches so they turn on automatically. Let me know what you think.


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And just so it's not mentioned, the shitty universal push switch for the fogs is being replaced by an OEM switch soon.


You shifted to Manual transmission?? Because the first set of pics show that you're driving an automatic


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Figured i'd update this since I haven't in awhile. Recently had both rear quarters, the rear bumper support and the cover all replaced. I happened to find a bumper cover the right color for $100 and the quarters and replacing the crushed bumper support (previous owner) were $1000 welded, put together and painted which I thought was resonable. I also had the bottom of the drivers door replaced (new portion welded in and painted). Anyway here they are, from this :

To this :

To this :

And now with the winter wheels on (and don't worry, it's heavily under and inner coated lol) :

And here are the timing covers I just painted up for the spring :

And I have some precut tint, i've just been procrastinating putting it on.
