I'll leave the keep the dsm intact argument alone and just say a few more things before I sit down and shut up.
There are very limited options for internals for the d17. The ONLY pistons available are made by wiseco. It may be possible to use vitaras but you will need completely custom made one off rods. The only rods are made by crower. Carillo has released a set as well that are identical to the crowers, only they are made out of foreign steel instead of domestic steel. Crower is also the only company that makes off the shelf camshafts for the d17. The stage 2 boost cam seems to get great results. Bisi can make you one too, but it's a little pricier. For the final time, you CAN NOT use DSM injectors in a d17. It is POSSIBLE, but you need a resistor box, possibly an injector driver and a full standalone engine management system, and they still idle like crap. You can use srt-4 injectors and they work just fine. You could possibly use some of the dsm piping, the bov, and possibly the intercooler if you can find a good way to mount it with plenty of air flow. Now dear god please listen. I own an EM2, I've boosted it, I've helped others turbo their d17 powered vehicles. The d17 is a different beast than older d series motors. If there were other options for this stuff, I would tell you what they are and help you in any way I could, but there just aren't. Go check out 7thgenhonda and ask some of those guys with more experience than I and see what they tell you if you don't want to believe me.