[09:52] T O N E E K A Y: Howdy!
[09:52] lexy: hi
[09:52] T O N E E K A Y: Top of the mornin to ya
[09:53] T O N E E K A Y: can i ask you something?
[09:54] lexy: sure
[09:55] T O N E E K A Y: okay so like
[09:55] T O N E E K A Y: if it was a life and death situation for me
[09:55] T O N E E K A Y: that i MUST have sex with you
[09:55] T O N E E K A Y: would you let me hit that?
[09:57] lexy: no
[09:57] T O N E E K A Y: why not?
[09:57] lexy: they wouldn't choopse a normal girl
[09:57] lexy: for one
[09:57] lexy: and two
[09:57] lexy: that would never be the case
[09:57] T O N E E K A Y: hypothetically speaking though...
[09:58] lexy: not realistic enoguh
[09:58] lexy: to happen
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: who would you consider as "they"
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: okay here's something more realistic
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: what if i had to bust a nutt
[09:58] lexy: no
[09:58] lexy: that's already a no
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: but the only person tha hahahaah
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: hahahaahahahah
[09:58] T O N E E K A Y: but the only person that i'm attracted to, is you
[09:58] lexy: no
[09:59] lexy: brb
[09:59] T O N E E K A Y: this is still life and death situation
[09:59] T O N E E K A Y: dam hella gunna let me die and s**t
[09:59] lexy: (auto-response from lexy) I am away from my computer right now.
[10:00] T O N E E K A Y: f**k it i'm posting this s**t on clubcivic!