f**k Monster Energy


Rubbin on yo booty
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Damn I have to take a FAT ASS s**t right now!


Did sum1 say mud??
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I dont agree with the Monster company trying to force him to change his name. His beer is "vermonster beer." Unless he holds the trademark for the words "Monster Beer", i dont see why they are fighting him. You cant tell me people will get confused either. Ive never even heard of Vermonster beer or the Rock Art Brewery beer. I hope this guy beats corporate america. I understand that sometimes it needs to be done, but it gets way to outta hand way too fast.


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Like I previously stated these big companies have teams of people on the internet doing this all day


I had a Civic once.
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I don't see the problem here at all.

What is being done is 100% legal and happens ALL THE TIME, this guy is just pissing and moaning about it. I remember a few years back here at school there was a real small diner that had a similar name to McDonalds, that were forced to change their name. These big companies have teams of people who look for similar names all day, in an effort to change them.
Yeah, but Vermonster isn't the same a Monster. Mine a well go sue Ben & Jerry's for their Vermonster too. Oh wait, Ben & Jerry's is a larger business so why not go for the tiny business who cant afford to compete? They mine as well sue Monster.com, and Monster Cables, and Monster Transmissions too. They have no reason to file a lawsuit against the brewery, the brewery is so small, it will do nothing but put them out of business even if the brewery wins. It wont increase sales of Monster energy drinks, because you have to be retarded to confuse Vermonster beet with Monster drinks.

I guess Price Chopper should go sue Price Rite, Wal-Mart should go sue Walgreens, and Papa John's should go sue every small pizza company with "Papa" in the name... a whole s**t load of them.


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It's probably already been done, and have lost in court. All those companies can easily go to court, its the small businesses that can't which is why their such an easy target


I had a Civic once.
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It's probably already been done, and have lost in court. All those companies can easily go to court, its the small businesses that can't which is why their such an easy target
Exactly. Which is why it's unethical, and is shouldn't be considered legal. It may but the small company out of business, but with all the negative feedback and comments now towards Monster (many VT stores pulling Monster drinks, news becoming more national, and many people boycotting anything from Hansen Beverages).. seems like it's just a bad idea. Bad for Monster, bad for the VT Brewery, and bad for the economy. A lose/lose situation that's completely unnecessary.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I'm going to go buy a 8 pack of Monster. The dude is bitching and whining because he's being sued.

He knew he was using Monster's name in his product to try and get some sales, Monster has their name trademarked, he shouldn't of used their name to get sales.


caca poopoo
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Monster already backed down.

fffwew, I almost took the Monster stickers off my car. Im glad I didnt.


names Brenton
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I'm going to go buy a 8 pack of Monster. The dude is bitching and whining because he's being sued.

He knew he was using Monster's name in his product to try and get some sales, Monster has their name trademarked, he shouldn't of used their name to get sales.
no hes not. Monster has Monster trademarked. not Vermonster. He isn't bitching or whining either. Just simply stating facts... and hey looks like it worked too.

Using the name didn't help anyways. It's not a popular beer because of the beer, but now it is because he voiced his opinion.

Plus, monster tastes like ass. I can barely drink Rockstar, and it's worse then that...


No traction though.
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I'm going to go buy a 8 pack of Monster. The dude is bitching and whining because he's being sued.

He knew he was using Monster's name in his product to try and get some sales, Monster has their name trademarked, he shouldn't of used their name to get sales.
When did monster energy drinks were put on shelves?
And when did Rock Art Brewery start to brew their beer?

He didn't use their name. It's not even the same name. If it were the same name, Rock Art started making their beer first. So, how did they use 'the monster' name to get sales, when monster energy drinks were non-existent during it's time of conception?

Did you even watch the video? lol

I don't see the problem here at all.

What is being done is 100% legal and happens ALL THE TIME, this guy is just pissing and moaning about it. I remember a few years back here at school there was a real small diner that had a similar name to McDonalds, that were forced to change their name. These big companies have teams of people who look for similar names all day, in an effort to change them.
Personally, I would just change the name of my business if I were brought to court. But I still don't see what ethical reason they have to do it. They gain no money off it, instead lose money from consumers because of lives their ruin. (not literally, indirectly) By boycotting, etc.

I personally love our local diners and what not. It's definitely not the same, when going to a big chain restaurant.


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wait wait wait. monster has the pronunciation all wrong. this guy is from VERMONT his beer is called the VERMONT-STER. you know like mobster, teamster, gangster. monster doesnt even have a case. stupid f**kers.

edit: i watched the video again. and its even spelled on the bottle "vermontster" not "vermonster" not even the same spelling. monsters lawyers or the guys looking for this s**t probablhy arent even americans.


Live Free or Die
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MONSTER WITHDREW! they actually thouht about it and withdrew.


I had a Civic once.
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My piss looks radioactive after I drink a monster
